About time

It’s about time I started actually blogging. I have had this site for a while, but I just haven’t been motivated to do anything on it. Now for some reason I feel it necessary to start.

I’m going to see Ratatouille this afternoon with some friends from church. It looks like it is going to be a really good show. I really want to see Transformers as well. I really hope it actually has a plot instead of relying on all special effects. But with it being a 4th of July release, you would think it would be.

Well, I went to see Ratatouille and it was really pretty good. The story was a little short, but the animation, as I expect from Pixar, was awesome. The only thing was the pre-movie short was a little disappointing. I still think that Boundin’ is my favorite Pixar short of all time.