Death of a legend

I was trolling through today and saw that a comedic legend had died on Sunday, article is here. George Carlin has died. I am a fan of his comedy, it is gritty, straight forward, and no apologies offered after. He pushed the boundries of censorship on the radio with his famous “Seven Dirty Words” routine. He was a genious and his social commentary almost always hit the bullseye. While he was offensive to most, including me sometimes, he was always funny in hindsight. I will definitely miss his unique comedic style.

16 years

This week was a monumental week for me. On Monday, I celebrated being alive for 16 years. You might be wondering about that number, but my math isn’t wrong. On June 9, 1992 I was diagnosed with Leukemia.

Most people might not want to celebrate something as horrible as this, in fact some people might be thinking I am really morbid in my celebration, but I’m not crazy. 16 years ago this week my life was forever changed. I look back on it, and I remember thinking that nothing worse could have happened to me. But now I look at my life and realize that nothing better could have happened to me. Here is just a few reasons why I think this way:

  • I have friends that I would have never had before
  • I have a better understanding of the mortality of mankind
  • I realized that death isn’t horrible for the deceased
  • Life is too short
  • I have a cause

I still find myself slipping back into worrying about the small stuff, but eventually I remember that this is my 3rd shot at life and I need to take advantage of that. I am living the life I feel I should be living. I am still scared, but really, what’s the worst that could happen? What could be more scary than facing death? I’ll tell you…women…just kidding…no really…

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