Dad is home

I went to the hospital about 2:45 this afternoon and was there about half an hour before the nurse came by and told him he was being discharged. I was very surprised that he was being discharged so early. The doctor did say he thought he would be discharged this weekend, but I thought the earliest would be tonight or tomorrow morning. It is good to have him back home, I was having a very hard time visiting him in the hospital. Even though it has been over a decade since I have been in a hospital for myself, the memories are still there. I want to thank everyone again for their thoughts and prayers and text messages. Thank you Josh for posting on your blog for all your thousands of readers. 🙂

Posted in family. 1 Comment »

One Response to “Dad is home”

  1. Denny Says:

    Awesome, will still keep him in my thoughts and prayers and look forward to updates.

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